Its always in the mind!
Do we train our mind enough?
Whatever we do in life, it takes many hours of hard work to fully develop any talent that we may have or to introduce new learnings.
Ultimately, we can only ever be the best version of ourselves…we can model excellence, and pick out habits of successful people, compare to where we are, and then decide how we need to improve.
Let’s consider as an example, two different yet similar people. They both have similar intellects and on the whole have the same skill sets. The difference between the two?
Person X has worked at developing their mindset, to deliver improved “self talk”…helpful and not hindering.
Person X has created goals that provide the drive and motivation to succeed
Person X has a clear picture of what future success will look like
Person X has other tools in their locker and is both excited and confident about the future.
Person Y has done none of this, and simply behaves according to an existing set of beliefs. Too often questioning their own ability and unsure if they are good enough. Limiting beliefs that means that any natural ability or new learning will only take them so far.
I recently interviewed the excellent Danny Crates.
Danny gave the example of how elite athletes train for 95% of the time to deliver in competition which forms only 5% of the time. Always trying to find ways to improve.
All elite athletes will be similar…the question then becomes how do you get the most from the 95%. A big part of this will be the belief systems…so we might say…95% of the time is spent training…and then its 95% attitude & 5% aptitude!
Every example that we might think of will be the same…any current and future success is down to our belief systems.
The question…what are you doing to develop your people and help to develop their mind set…are you producing champions?
“The biggest wall you have to climb is the one you build in your mind: Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up. Never let your mind become the greatest obstacle to success. To get your mind on the right track, the rest will follow.”
Roy T. Bennett
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